Make sure you fully grasp your rights and obligations as a tenant, as well as Dubai's laws, before you sign your leasing contract.

The Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA) has established specific laws to govern the agreement between the landlord and the tenant while renting property in Dubai.

These laws also clearly explain the allocation of responsibilities in order to prevent conflicts.


Tenant Rights

·       When renting the home, the tenant must provide a refundable security deposit. According to Article 20, if the landlord refuses to return the deposit in full or in part because of improper deductions for property damage, the tenant may turn to the rent dispute committee for assistance in resolving the matter.

·       Unless otherwise specified in the tenancy agreement, as stated in Article 22, the tenant is responsible for paying any fees and taxes imposed by governmental bodies and divisions for the use of the property, this includes subleasing. 

·       According to Article 19, the landlord must approve any changes the tenant wishes to make to the property and secure the necessary approvals from government agencies.

·       The property must be handed over to the owner by in the same state that it was in when the lease was signed. Normal wear and tear or damage brought on by events outside of the tenant's control may be excluded.


Tenancy Contract Clauses

·       Unless both parties agree otherwise, tenancy agreements cannot be dissolved by only one party. According to Article 6, if the tenant keeps occupying the property, the contract term will be automatically extended for a comparable time or for one year, with the same terms and circumstances.

·       According to Article 14, the landlord must give the tenant written notice of his intent to terminate or modify the lease agreement at least 90 days before it expires.

·       If the lease agreement has a specified date as per Article 28, the tenant's right to continue occupying the property will not be affected if the property's ownership is transferred to a new owner.

·       The landlord must receive 60 days' notice if the tenant is leaving the rental early. The fine usually amounts to one to two months' rent, which is paid to the landlord. RERA does not provide a provision for early contract termination.

Unless it has been registered with Ejari, the digital hub of Dubai's Real Estate Regulatory Agency, a rental agreement is not valid in the emirate. This is done to safeguard your legal rights as a renter.

Renting in Dubai is a fantastic option! With plenty of residences to choose from and a pool of the world’s best amenities, renting here is one of the safest & most regulated processes.  

However, as we have gathered, it is important to do your due diligence and get familiar with the laws an your rights prior to signing any contracts.

If you have any queries or concerns, please get in touch with us today to speak with an agent and get expert advice. 

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